IPS has vast experience in providing the following services to the Federal and State Government clients:
- RFP Definition - This work may include creation and evaluation of RFP's
- Independent Verification and Validation - This involves IPS specialists working with the contractor from project inception to completion to ensure that the pre-defined project guidelines have been adhered to and to validate the results of the project. It is better and less expensive for the Government to identify any deviations/errors as they arise rather than toward the end of implementation cycle.
- Facilitation - This work effort is chosen for rapid information gathering of requirements and needs of the organization. Facilitation is the impartial gathering of these needs in a group setting by conducting focus group interviews with Government users of the systems.
- Feasibility Studies and Reports - This effort takes a look at a business area and describes the feasibility that given current or future systems will meet the needs of the client.
- Requirements Analysis - This work effort gathers the detailed data and process needs of a business area, which will be used for either designing a custom solution or choosing the proper packaged solution.
- Vendor Selection Assistance -This includes helping the Government evaluate vendor responses to RFPs and giving recommendations on the responsiveness and qualifications of the vendors with regard to specific tasks.
- Contract Monitoring - This work effort is chosen for monitoring a contract awarded to contractors.
- CFR Compliance Assistance - Help the Government in their bid to assist the companies in a particular industry implement the provisions of the various CFRs (Code for Federal Regulations) enacted for those industries. We have experience with multiple industries including Pharmaceutical, Transportation, Food Processing, Licensing, Education, Child Support and Unemployment Insurance.
- Systems and Technology Assessment - This effort examines current business systems and technologies to determine the state of the current systems and analyzes how well these systems and the inherent technologies are meeting the needs of the business. Recommendations are made on which systems should be replaced or merged.
- Business Strategic Planning - If there are needs to look at the goals and objectives of the organization before deciding on systems, this work effort includes the future direction of the business.
- Process Improvement - If there is a requirement for improving business processes either before determining systems or as a result of installing new systems, then this work effort is recommended.
- Training - Sometimes customized training is necessary for a specific organizational or analytical skill. Such training may include project management, methodology, or facilitation.
- Methodology Implementation - When there is a need for establishing a methodology in analysis and implementation of systems or process improvement, then this work effort is chosen. This work effort may include the choosing the right methodology for your organization.